I am not sure when I first came across the Timber Press catalog, but I am always glad when it arrives for I know it will be filled with books I would love to own. Gradually, I may own them.
Do you have a favored garden book press?
Do you buy books on gardening?
Do you buy too many books on gardening?
Do you read the books you have bought?
I am not a fan of magazines in general, not just gardening/horticulture specific. I do find much information on the internet. However, there are many books in my classroom and a few at home, which I trust. It may still be faster than doing an on-line search to get an answer to a question.
as for my fourth question, I have not read many of my gardening books. maybe one day.
Hi Wayne-good morning! I ran into this book listing all the gardening books last year when a classmate at school let me have an old copy of hers. I loved it! Probably better I am not on their mailing list:) Hard for me to get enough gardening books and magazines-without going broke of course. Have a great week!
Tina--- thanks for the visit. May you also have a wonderful week.
I love gardening books Wayne, and I probably have far too many of them, and I read them often - but I still dash to the computer if I need to look something up in a hurry.
(amazon has a lot to answer for)
I love garden books, but only we don't get a lot here. I recently acquired a wonderful book called Indian Medicinal Plants that was loaded with the medicinal uses of all plants (I mean almost all)! I'm gonna hunt for others this weekend. Hope I find something...
Like you, I too am not a fan of magazines. Somehow, I prefer books.
Most gardening books don't lend themselves to being devoured like a novel, so I tend to lightly graze in the few that I have. A little snack every now and then does the trick. When my husband suggests clearing out the books that don't get used much and donating them somewhere, I guard the gardening ones like they're treasures.
Karen--- we have this in common
Chandramouli--- hope you found some fabulous books
Walk2write--- for now, the huge majority of my gardening books are in my classroom, not that I don't have books filling in space inside our house.
mmm the Timber Press catalog is dreamy... I peruse it for all the books I wish I had written and then get them from the library. I think 2 weeks is a perfect length of time to leave a book on the coffee table for convenient skimmage.
my son likes Rodale Press but he did just pass a comment about real plants not looking like the photo. I definitely got wound up about trying to match a pretty photo to our home gardens...so the books are either coffee table type browsing or quick reference at this point, not a bible...enjoy spring break and all the best! from the Warrens
Kris--- whose got time to write books anyway when one has to "peruse" and lounge by one's coffee table. not me.
Dana--- I have some books by Rodale which are wonderful.
I'm another huge fan of Timber press; if it's by them, I know it's in-depth and reliable. Rodale puts out some good books too, but Timber is more horticulturally-oriented. I also like Storey, somewhere in the middle; they use experienced gardeners and check names and facts carefully as I know because I index some of them.
I hadn't realized I was in good company on the magazine/book thing! I do have a few mags with great hort articles which I have kept, but they are floppy and awkward and I rarely refer to them.
As for books, they are a friendly presence which don't necessarily have to be read all the way through at once, at least not any more often than a friend would tell a whole life's story at one sitting. ere's a great quote from Alberto Manguel's The Library at Night: "At times I feel...all these books that I sporadically collect...have kept me sane." Use that one the next time a loved one tries to get rid of your books...
Pomona-- thanks for the quote. Yes, horticulturally-oriented... I like that way to describe Timber Press. Maybe, that is how I am oriented.
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