Do you have the time to sit with a sunflower and count the minutes till a bee shows up? Well, after thirty minutes you can go do something else if no bee has shown up.
My friend, ZM, at the school passed on the link to The Great Sunflower Project being run by Gretchen LeBuhn, who is an associate professor at San Francisco State University.
anyway, I thought it was a great idea so I got us signed up and if all goes well we will participate in this nation wide study of bees.
That is one nice picture of sunflowers. I heard they propagate easily and birds like the seeds.
Sunflower is one of my first flowers that I fell in love with. the moment I started building Plantville, I decided to have Sunflower every summer! What else could be more majestic and elegant than this beauty?
It's a great idea Wayne. The more we understand/appreciate the bees the better.
This is a fascinating project. I have sent the link to bee keepers I know. Thanks for posting the information.
I just signed up!! Can't wait to ID bees!
all--- so sorry it took so long to post your comments...
Blossom.. you heard right.
Chandramouli.. truly majestic. I agree.
Rob.. I look forward to hearing about the results.
Beryl.. thanks for spreading the word and visiting me
Becky... how cool... hope we both have success.
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